{ the story of a designer }

Hello! I am Kristina Dee Glenn

I am a mother, sister, daughter, bookworm, Paiute Native, web and graphic designer, and my family is the life and motivation for all I do.

I love to read Stephen King, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and many many more. I love to write stories, short and long, poetry, prose, ramblings, and in the future, a novel.

I see movies every chance I get, I love the smell of popcorn, but my favorite is caramel or kettle corn, and I love the bright big screen where actors play heroes and villains, and normal everyday people.

I love to listen to music: rock, r & b, hip hop, rap, country, and musical soundtracks.

And I design and develop things for the web, like beautiful layouts, paying attention to details like SEO, scripts, functionality, branding and identity, consistency, and original content.

{ portfolio }

{ my skills & experience }

I am creative, skilled, and educated in all things design, and I love to tackle new projects and I am always learning.

I Have Skills & Experience In:



{ Adobe } Photoshop | Illustrator | Dreamweaver
Flash | Premiere Pro | In Design.

Here are Some Details:

For more details, download my resumé

{ talk to me }

e: info@kristinadeedesign.com | p: 949.573.4401 | download: resumé

find me on:
linkedin google plus pinterest facebook instagram

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